2012 Medal Winners Open
Saitama, Japan, 10/5/12, TV-Tokyo, Qual=EX
1. Introduction
2. Meier - “Not Myself Tonight”
3. Meissner - “”
4. Lepisto - “Fandangos”
5. Rochette - “Formidable”
6. Arakawa - “”
7. Slutskaya - “Le Cocher de la Troika”
1. Buttle - “In This Shirt”
2. Honda - “Tosca”
3. Yagudin - “Burn My Shadow”
4. Candeloro - “Thre Muskateers”
5. Kulik - “Kashmir”
6. Browning - “Singing In The Rain”
Note: Lots of little profiles, interviews throughout the event.
Length 1:20