2012 Trophee Bombard
Paris, France, 11/15-18/12, NBC, Qual=EX
Dance OD
1. Cappellini & Lanotte - “Seven Brides for Seven Brothers"
2. Pechalat & Bourzat - “Gaite Parisienne / Sous le ciel de Paris”
Dance FD
1. Gilles & Poirier - “The Gulag Orchestra / I Don’t Think About You Anymore, But I Don’t Think About You Any Less / Hungry Ghosts”
2. Hubbell & Donohue - “Farrucas / Un Amor / Malaguena”
3. Riazanova & Tkachenko - “The Godfather”
4. Cappellini & Lanotte - “Carmen”
5. Pechalat & Bourzat - “Miss You / Angie / Symphony for the Devil / Start Me Up”
2012 Cup of China
Shanghai, China, 11/2-4/12. Univ-Sp, Qual=VG+
Dance FD
1. Sinitsina & Zhiganshin (RUS) - “Spiagge Iotone”
2. Guignard & Fabbri (ITA) - “Four Seasons”
3. Chock & Bates - “Dr. Zhivago”
4. Bobrova & Soloviev - “Man With A Harmonica / Tosca”
5. Weaver & Poje - “Humanity in Motion”
6. Pechalat & Bourzat - “Miss You / Angie / Symphony for the Devil / Start Me Up”